Wednesday 29 August 2012

How to define ourself?what format should be followed when interview ask define yourself?

when hr ask about your personal interview than u should present yourself in a very +ve way 
1.your name
3. native place
4. passion in any field detail but not mention father name
6. family background
positive &negative strength
and finally u should speak in a soft voice 

While you are giving your introduction make sure that you are taking the HR to your positive point.Such that while you are telling your name tell My name is ____ but my friends tell me ______
(any player or actor name) because i love that game or his movies..By doing this u told the HR that ask anything related to this sports or whatever you mentioned. 
While you are telling your native place name.Tell why your native place is famous for.
While telling your family background donot mention your parent name because they are not interested on that.Tell what are the advantage you get from your your parent's profession.
If your father is a businessmen then tell i get knowledge like how to make the public relation etc.
Then tell your educational qualification but donot mention your school or college name if you are not belongs to a good college or school.Donot tell your percentage if your percentage is in the higher side

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